Agricultural Information
This page contains information about programs that help farmers to better access agricultural information directly.
Program, Technologies used, Reach
Access Agriculture ; Video ; Africa, Asia
Angaza Mkulima ; Web, SMS ; Kenya
Awaaz.De ; Phone ; India
aWhere Weather ; Online ; Africa and Asia
CocoaLink ; Mobile phones ; Ghana and Cote d'Ivoire
Community Knowledge Worker ; Smart Phones ; Uganda
Crop Nutrition ; SMS ; Kenya
Digital Green ; Video ; India and Ethiopia
eAfghan Ag ; Web ; Afghanistan
e-Kroshok (In Bangla) ; Mobile phones ; Bangladesh
FarmerConnect ; SMS, Computer, Mobile Phones ; South Asia
Freedom Fone ; Phone ; Africa
iCow ; Mobile phone ; Kenya
IKSL's Green SIM Card ; Mobile phone ; India
IRRI Rice Knowledge Bank ; Web ; Global
KenCall's M-Kilmo ; Mobile phone ; Kenya
mFarmer ; Mobile phone ; Sub Saharan Africa and India
mKisan ; Cell phone ; India
MojaCast ; Voice mail ; Ghana, India
Mrittikka ; Mobile phone ; India, Bangladesh
NanoGanesh ; Mobile phone ; India
Nutrient Manager for Rice ; Mobile phone ; Indonesia, Philippines
Shamba Shape Up ; Television Video ; Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
This page contains information about programs that help farmers to better access agricultural information directly.
Program, Technologies used, Reach
Access Agriculture ; Video ; Africa, Asia
Angaza Mkulima ; Web, SMS ; Kenya
Awaaz.De ; Phone ; India
aWhere Weather ; Online ; Africa and Asia
CocoaLink ; Mobile phones ; Ghana and Cote d'Ivoire
Community Knowledge Worker ; Smart Phones ; Uganda
Crop Nutrition ; SMS ; Kenya
Digital Green ; Video ; India and Ethiopia
eAfghan Ag ; Web ; Afghanistan
e-Kroshok (In Bangla) ; Mobile phones ; Bangladesh
FarmerConnect ; SMS, Computer, Mobile Phones ; South Asia
Freedom Fone ; Phone ; Africa
iCow ; Mobile phone ; Kenya
IKSL's Green SIM Card ; Mobile phone ; India
IRRI Rice Knowledge Bank ; Web ; Global
KenCall's M-Kilmo ; Mobile phone ; Kenya
mFarmer ; Mobile phone ; Sub Saharan Africa and India
mKisan ; Cell phone ; India
MojaCast ; Voice mail ; Ghana, India
Mrittikka ; Mobile phone ; India, Bangladesh
NanoGanesh ; Mobile phone ; India
Nutrient Manager for Rice ; Mobile phone ; Indonesia, Philippines
Shamba Shape Up ; Television Video ; Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda