Additional ICT Resources
On this page
On this page
- ICT in Agricultural Extension Studies
- Agricultural Information
- Data Collection
- Mobile Money
- Market Access
- Country Reports
1. ICT in Ag Extension Studies
Information about ICT's to help information intermediaries better deliver agricultural information to farmers.
Information about ICT's to help information intermediaries better deliver agricultural information to farmers.
- Principles of Digital Design
- ICT and behavior Change Full Paper ; Brief ; Evaluation form
- ICT to Enhance Farm Extension Services in Africa
- Mobile Applications for Monitoring and Evaluation in Agriculture
- ICT in Agriculture e-Sourcebook (World Bank with infoDev- lessons learned, guiding principles, and examples for applying ICT in agriculture in developing countries.
- Tulane Country Based ICT4D Information Tulane's (ICT4D) course, based on UNDP’s Human Development Report.
2. Agricultural Information
Links to example programs that help farmers to better access agricultural information directly.
Example Programs
Voice recording
Links to example programs that help farmers to better access agricultural information directly.
Example Programs
- Awaaz.De ; Phone ; India
- CocoaLink ; Mobile phones ; Ghana and Cote d'Ivoire
- Community Knowledge Worker ; Smart Phones ; Uganda
- Crop Nutrition ; SMS ; Kenya
- e-Krishok (In Bangla) ; Mobile phones ; Bangladesh
- FarmerConnect ; SMS, Computer, Mobile Phones ; South Asia
- Farmforce ; Smart Phones, SMS, Computer ; Global
- Freedom Fone ; Phone ; Africa
- Great Lakes Cassava Initiative ; Tablet ; East Africa
- iCow ; Mobile phone ; Kenya
- IKSL's Green SIM Card ; Mobile phone ; India
- KenCall's M-Kilmo ; Mobile phone ; Kenya
- Mali Shambani ; Radio and Mobile Phone ; Kenya
- mFarmer ; Mobile phone ; Sub Saharan Africa and India
- mKisan ; Cell phone ; India
- MojaCast ; Voice mail ; Ghana, India
- Mrittikka ; Mobile phone ; India, Bangladesh
- NanoGanesh ; Mobile phone ; India
- Nutrient Manager for Rice ; Mobile phone ; Indonesia, Philippines
- Tanga Fresh ; Phone, Radio ; Tanzania
- Farm Radio International ; Radio_
- Mali Shambani ; Radio and Mobile Phone ; Kenya
- Access Agriculture ; Video ; Africa, Asia
- Digital Green ; Video ; India and Ethiopia
- Shamba Shape Up ; Television Video ; Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
- Angaza Mkulima ; Web, SMS ; Kenya
- aWhere Weather ; Online ; Africa and Asia
- eAfghan Ag ; Web ; Afghanistan
- IRRI Rice Knowledge Bank ; Web ; Global
Voice recording
- Literacy Bridge ; Voice Recording ; Ghana
4. Data Collection
Example Programs
Example Programs
- Atrotech Ltd. ; Mobile Phones ; Sub Saharan Africa
- Frontline SMS ; Mobile Phones ; Global
- iForm Builder ; Tablets ; Global
- Magpi (formerly EpiSurveyor) ; Smart Phones ; Global
- Armjaro's Input Tracking ; GIS, SMS ; Ghana
5. Mobile Money
Key Lessons Finance in African Agriculture: Three Case Studies- Link
Example programs
Key Lessons Finance in African Agriculture: Three Case Studies- Link
Example programs
- Agri-Fin Mobile ; Mobile Phone ; Global
- Dunavant ; SMS ; Zambia
- Kilimo Salama; Mobile Phone ; Kenya, Rwanda
- MoBiashara ; Mobile Phone ; Nigeria
- MRI Agri-Mobile ; Mobile Phone ; Zambia
- Opportunity Bank Malawi ; Mobile Phone ; Malawi
- Parmalat ; Electronic Deposit ; Zambia
- Plant Agrichem Services ; Electronic Database ; Zambia
- Mace Food's use of M-Pesa ; Mobile Phones, Computer ; Kenya
- Smart Money ; Mobile Phone ; Tanzania
- Zoona (formerly MTZL) ; Mobile Phone ; Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique
6. Market Access
Example Programs
- An Assessment of Market Information Systems in East Africa- Link
- ICT Applications and Agricultural Input Supply Companies: Highlights from Africa- Link
- ICT Applications for Distribution and Supply Chain Management in sub-Saharan African Agriculture- Link
- ICT to Enhance Warehouse Receipt Systems and Commodity Exchanges in Africa-Link
- ICT-enabled Outgrowing Operations: Highlights from Africa- Link
Example Programs
- Agrimanagr ; Tablet ; Kenya, Tanzania
- Esoko ; Mobile Phone ; Africa
- GeoTraceablity ; GIS ; Global
- Infotrade Uganda ; Internet, Cell Phone ; Uganda
- Lima Links ; Phone ; Zambia
- Manobi ; Mobile Phone ; West Africa
- MarketMaker ; Online ; U.S.A.
- MFarm ; Mobile Phone ; Kenya
- Mobile Information Platform ; Mobile Phone ; Chile, Peru
- Nokia Life ; Smart Phone ; Nigeria, China, India
- Reuters Market Light ; Mobile Phone ; India
- Source Trace ; Smart Phone ; Global
- Sustainable Harvest's Relationship Information Tracking System (RITS) ; Tablet ; Tanzania, Peru
7. Agriculture ICT Country Reports
- Afghanistan Coming Soon
- China ICT Report (MS Word) ; Presentation (PowerPoint)
- Ethiopia ICT Report (pdf)
- Ghana ICT report (pdf)
- Tanzania ICT Report (pdf)